mum.jpgToday is my best friend’s birthday.

She is 35 years older than I am. And even as she ages gracefully into her 60s, she still looks fabulous. Much to her delight, many people think she is at least 15 years younger than her real age. I wish I look like her when I am her age.

In the last 28 years that we have been friends, things have not always been smooth. We have not always been the best of friends. We have had shouting feuds, disagreements and cold wars. Many of these shouting matches ended up in tear baths.

I have not always been the most patient of friends. And sometimes, I would even be rude and obstinate. But my best friend’s motto is endure. And now that I look back, she deserves a better friend really.

She is giving and self-sacrificing. She always puts me before herself.

We have many happy moments together. And she has always been there at my side – celebrating my life milestones… my graduation, my wedding, the birth of my babe.

She is always there when I need support, a shoulder to cry on, or just a listening ear to vent to.

To the most amazing woman I have ever known – my best friend, my hero, my dearest mummy… Happy Birthday!


(Last year’s Chinese New Year, with mummy and babe)